oṁ namaḥ sarvajñāya | namo
bhagavate bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharājāya tathāgatāya ||
एवं मया
श्रुतम्। एकस्मिन् समये
भगवान् जनपदचर्यां चरमाणोऽनुपूर्वेण
येन वैशालीं (ली) महानगरीं
(री) तेनानुप्राप्तोऽभूत्।
तत्र खलु भगवान् वैशाल्यां
विहरति स्म वाद्यस्वरवृक्षमूले
महता भिक्षुसंघेन सार्धमष्टभिर्बिक्षुसहस्रैः
षट्-त्रिंशद्भिश्च बोधिसत्त्वसहस्रैः
सार्धं राजामात्यब्राह्मणगृहपतिसंहत्या
च परिवृतः पुरस्कृतो
धर्मं देशयति स्म। evaṁ
mayā śrutam | ekasmin samaye bhagavān janapadacaryāṁ caramāṇo'nupūrveṇa
yena vaiśālīṁ (lī) mahānagarīṁ (rī) tenānuprāpto'bhūt
| tatra khalu bhagavān vaiśālyāṁ viharati sma vādyasvaravṛkṣamūle
mahatā bhikṣusaṁghena sārdhamaṣṭabhirbikṣusahasraiḥ ṣaṭ-triṁśadbhiśca
bodhisattvasahasraiḥ sārdhaṁ rājāmātyabrāhmaṇagṛhapatisaṁhatyā
ca parivṛtaḥ puraskṛto dharmaṁ deśayati sma
Thus I have heard. At one time the Bhagavan
was travelling through various lands to teach living beings. He arrived at Vaisali ["City of Extensive
Adornments"] and stayed beneath a tree from which music resounded. With him were eight thousand great Bhikshus and
thirty-six thousand Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas; also kings, ministers, Brahmans, lay disciples; gods, dragons,
and the rest of the eightfold division; beings both human and non-human. The immeasurable great multitude
respectfully surrounded him, and he spoke Dharma for them.
अथ खलु
कृत्वा दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलं
पृथिव्यां प्रतिष्ठाप्य
येन भगवांस्तेनाञ्जलिं
प्रणम्य भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-
देशयतु भगवंस्तेषां
तथागतानां नामानि, तेषां
। वयं श्रुत्वा सर्वकर्मावरणानि
विशोधयेम पश्चिमे काले
पश्चिमे समये सद्धर्मप्रतिरूपके
वर्तमाने सत्त्वानामनुग्रहमुपादाय। atha
khalu mañjuśrīrdharmarājaputro buddhānubhāvenotthāyāsanādekaṁsamuttarāsaṅgaṁ
kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṁ jānumaṇḍalaṁ pṛthivyāṁ pratiṣṭhāpya
yena bhagavāṁstenāñjaliṁ praṇamya bhagavantametadavocat- deśayatu bhagavaṁsteṣāṁ
tathāgatānāṁ nāmāni, teṣāṁ pūrvapraṇidhānavistaravibhaṅgam
| vayaṁ śrutvā sarvakarmāvaraṇāni viśodhayema paścime kāle paścime
samaye saddharmapratirūpake vartamāne sattvānāmanugrahamupādāya |
At that time, the Dharma Prince Manjusri,
receiving the awesome inspiration of the Buddha, rose from his seat, bared one of his shoulders, knelt
on his right knee, and inclining his head and placing his palms together, said to the Bhagavan, "World Honored One!
We wish you would speak about such Dharmas as the Buddhas' names, the great vows they made in the past,
and their supreme merit and virtue, so that those who hear them will be rid of their karmic hindrances. This
request is also for the sake of bringing benefit and joy to sentient beings in the Dharma-Image Age
अथ भगवान्
मञ्जुश्रिये कुमारभूताय
साधुकारमदात्- साधु साधु
मञ्जुश्रीः, महाकारुणिकस्त्वं
मञ्जुश्रीः। त्वमप्रमेयां
करुणां जनयित्वा समाधेससे
(?) नानाकर्मावरणेनावृतानां
सत्त्वानामर्थाय हिताय
सुखाय देवमनुष्याणां
च हितार्थाय। तेन हि
त्वं मञ्जुश्रीः शृणु,
साधु च सुष्ठु च मनसि
कुरु, भाषिष्ये। एवं
भगवन्, इति मञ्जुश्रीः
कुमारभूतो भगवतः प्रत्यश्रौषीत्। atha
bhagavān mañjuśriye kumārabhūtāya sādhukāramadāt-sādhu sādhu mañjuśrīḥ,
mahākāruṇikastvaṁ mañjuśrīḥ | tvamaprameyāṁ karuṇāṁ
janayitvā samādhesase (?) nānākarmāvaraṇenāvṛtānāṁ sattvānāmarthāya
hitāya sukhāya devamanuṣyāṇāṁ ca hitārthāya | tena hi tvaṁ
mañjuśrīḥ śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasi kuru, bhāṣiṣye
| evaṁ bhagavan, iti mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūto bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt
The Buddha then praised the Pure Youth Manjusri:
"Good indeed! Good indeed, Manjusri. With great compassion you now request that I speak about the Buddhas'
names and the merit and virtue of their past vows, for the sake of rescuing sentient beings who are bound up by
karmic obstacles, and for the purpose of bringing benefit, peace, and joy to beings who live in the Dharma-Image
Age. Listen attentively to my words and reflect on them extremely well, for I will now answer you."
- अस्ति मञ्जुश्रीः पूर्वस्मिन्
दिग्भागे इतो बुद्धक्षेत्राद्
वैदूर्यनिर्भासा नाम
लोकधातुः। तत्र भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभो
नाम तथागतोऽर्हन् सम्यक्संबुद्धो
विहरति विद्याचरणसंपन्नः
सुगतो लोकविदनुत्तरः
पुरुषदम्यसारथिश्च शास्ता
देवानां मनुष्याणां
च बुद्धो भगवान्। तस्य
खकु पुनर्मञ्जुश्रीः
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य पूर्वं बोधिसत्त्वचारिकां
चरत इमानि द्वादश महाप्रणिधानान्यभूवन्। bhagavāṁstasyaitadavocat
asti mañjuśrīḥ pūrvasmin
digbhāge ito buddhakṣetrād daśagaṅgānadīvālukāsamāni buddhakṣetrāṇyatikramya
vaidūryanirbhāsā nāma lokadhātuḥ | tatra bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabho
nāma tathāgato'rhan samyaksaṁbuddho viharati vidyācaraṇasaṁpannaḥ sugato
lokavidanuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiśca śāstā devānāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ
ca buddho bhagavān| tasya khaku punarmañjuśrīḥ bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya pūrvaṁ bodhisattvacārikāṁ carata imāni dvādaśa
mahāpraṇidhānānyabhūvan |
The Buddha told Manjusri, "Passing from here
to the east, beyond Buddhalands numerous as the sand grains in ten Ganges rivers, is a world called 'Pure
Vaidurya'. The Buddha there is named Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, Of Proper and Equal Enlightenment,
Perfect in Understanding and Practice, Well Gone One, One who Understands the World, Supreme Lord, Regulating
Hero, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavan. Manjusri, when that World Honored One, Medicine Master
Vaidurya Light Tathagata, was practicing the Bodhisattva path in the past, he made twelve great vows that enable
all sentient beings to obtain what they seek.
द्वादश महाप्रणिधानानि
? प्रथमं तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्यदाहमनागतेऽध्वनि
अनुत्तरां सम्यक्संबोधिमभिसंबुध्येयम्
, तदा मम शरीरप्रभया अप्रमेयासंख्येयापरिमाणा
लोकधातवो भ्राजेरंस्तप्येरन्
विरोचेरन्। यथा चाहं
समन्वागतः, अशीतिभिश्चानुव्यञ्जनैरलंकृतदेहः,
तथैव सर्वसत्त्वा भवेयुः॥ katamānip
dvādaśa mahāpraṇidhānāni ? prathamaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūtyadāhamanāgate'dhvani
anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhimabhisaṁbudhyeyam, tadā mama śarīraprabhayā
aprameyāsaṁkhyeyāparimāṇā lokadhātavo bhrājeraṁstapyeran viroceran
| yathā cāhaṁ dvātriṁśadbhirmahāpuruṣalakṣaṇaiḥ samanvāgataḥ,
aśītibhiścānuvyañjanairalaṁkṛtadehaḥ, tathaiva sarvasattvā bhaveyuḥ
"The first great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life, when I attain anuttarasamyaksambodhi, my body will shine with dazzling light that will illumine
measureless, countless, boundless worlds. My body will be adorned with the thirty-two heroic features and the eighty
subsidiary characteristics, and I will enable all beings to become as I am.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागतेऽध्वनि अनुत्तरां
, तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे कायः अनर्घवैदूर्यमणिरिव
विमलप्रभासंपन्नः स्यात्।
विपुलकायस्तदुपमेन श्रिया
तेजसा च प्रत्युपस्थितः
स्यात्। तस्यांशुजालानि
ते च ये केचित् सत्त्वा
लोकधातौ जाताश्च, ये
चापि पुरुषाः, ते तमिस्रायां
रत्रावन्धकारे नानादिशं
गच्छेयुः। सर्वदिक्षु
मम आभयां स्पृष्टाः कुशलानि
च) कर्माणि कुर्वीरन्॥ (dvitīyaṁ
tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate'dhvani anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhimabhisaṁbudhyeyam,
tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me kāyaḥ anarghavaidūryamaṇiriva antarbahiratyantapariśuddho
vimalaprabhāsaṁpannaḥ syāt | vipulakāyastadupamena śriyā tejasā ca
pratyupasthitaḥ syāt | tasyāṁśujālāni raviśaśikarānatikrameyuḥ
te ca ye kecit sattvā lokadhātau jātāśca, ye cāpi puruṣāḥ, te tamisrāyāṁ
ratrāvandhakāre nānādiśaṁ gaccheyuḥ | sarvadikṣu mama ābhayāṁ
spṛṣṭāḥ kuśalāni ca) karmāṇi kurvīran ||
"The second great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, my body will be as bright and clear as vaidurya, flawlessly pure, vastly radiant,
majestic with merit and virtue, abiding at ease, adorned with blazing nets brighter than the sun and the moon. Beings
dwelling in darkness will be illuminated and will succeed in all their endeavors.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते------तदा बोधिप्रात्प्तस्य
च मे ये सत्त्वा अप्रमेयप्रज्ञोपायबलाधानेन
अपरिमाणस्य सत्त्वधातोरक्षयायोपभोगाय
परिभोगाय स्युः। कस्यचि
(त्) सत्त्वस्य केनचिद्
वैकल्यं न स्यात्॥ tṛtīyaṁ
tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate------ tadā bodhiprātptasya ca me ye
sattvā aprameyaprajñopāyabalādhānena aparimāṇasya sattvadhātorakṣayāyopabhogāya
paribhogāya syuḥ | kasyaci(t) sattvasya kenacid vaikalyaṁ na syāt ||
"The third great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, will by means of limitless, unbounded wisdom and skill-in- means, enable all sentient
beings to obtain an inexhaustible supply of material necessities so they are without the slightest want.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते --- तदा बोधिप्राप्तोऽहं
ये कुमार्गप्रतिपन्नाः
सत्त्वाः श्रावकमार्गप्रतिपन्नाः
, ते सत्त्वा अनुत्तरे
बोधिमार्गे महायाने
नियोजयेरन्॥ caturthaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate
--- tadā bodhiprāpto'haṁ ye kumārgapratipannāḥ sattvāḥ śrāvakamārgapratipannāḥ
pratyekabuddhamārgapratipannāśca, te sattvā anuttare bodhimārge mahāyāne niyojayeran
"The fourth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, I shall lead those sentient beings who practice deviant paths to reside in the
Way of Bodhi and those who travel on the vehicles of the Hearer or Pratyekabuddha to abide in the Great Vehicle.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते --- तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये सत्त्वा मम शासने
ब्रह्मचर्यं चरेयुः,
ते सर्वे अखण्डशीलाः
स्युः सुसंवृताः।मा
च कस्यचि(त्) शीलविपन्नस्य
मम नामधेयं श्रुत्वा
क्वचिद् दुर्गतिगमनं
स्यात्॥ pañcamaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate
--- tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me ye sattvā mama śāsane brahmacaryaṁ careyuḥ,
te sarve akhaṇḍaśīlāḥ syuḥ susaṁvṛtāḥ | mā ca kasyaci(t)
śīlavipannasya mama nāmadheyaṁ śrutvā kvacid durgatigamanaṁ syāt ||
"The fifth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi I shall enable limitless and boundless numbers of sentient beings who cultivate
Brahma conduct within my Dharma to perfectly uphold the three clusters of precepts without exception. Should there
be any violation, upon hearing my name, they will regain their purity and not fall into the evil destinies.'
षष्ठं तस्य
महाप्रणिधानमभूत्- यदाहमनागते
--- तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये सत्त्वा हीनकाया
विकलेन्द्रिया दुर्वर्णा
जडैडमूका लंगाः कुब्जाः
श्वित्राः कुण्डा अन्धा
बधिरा उन्मत्ता ये चान्ये
शरीरस्थव्याधयः, ते मम
नामधेयं श्रुत्वा सर्वे
सकलेन्द्रियाः सुपरिपूर्णगात्रा
भवेयुः॥ ṣaṣṭhaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate
--- tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me ye sattvā hīnakāyā vikalendriyā durvarṇā
jaḍaiḍamūkā laṁgāḥ kubjāḥ śvitrāḥ kuṇḍā
andhā badhirā unmattā ye cānye śarīrasthavyādhayaḥ, te mama nāmadheyaṁ
śrutvā sarve sakalendriyāḥ suparipūrṇagātrā bhaveyuḥ ||
"The sixth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, if there are sentient beings whose bodies are inferior and whose faculties are
imperfect, who are ugly, dull, blind, deaf, mute, deformed, paralyzed, hunch-backed, or afflicted with skin disease,
insanity or various other sicknesses and sufferings, upon hearing my name they shall all become endowed with
upright features, keen intelligence, and perfect faculties, and they shall be free of sickness and suffering.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते --- तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये नानाव्याधिपरिपीडिताः
सत्त्वा अत्राणा अशरणा
अनाथा दरिद्रा दुःखिताः,
सचे(त्) तेषां मम नामधेयं
कर्णपुटे निपतेत्, तेषां
सर्वव्याधयः प्रशमेयुः,
नीरोगाश्च निरुपद्रवाश्च
ते स्युर्याव बोधिपर्यवसानम्॥ saptamaṁ
tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate --- tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me
ye nānāvyādhiparipīḍitāḥ sattvā atrāṇā aśaraṇā
bhaiṣajyopakaraṇavirahitā anāthā daridrā duḥkhitāḥ, sace(t) teṣāṁ
mama nāmadheyaṁ karṇapuṭe nipatet, teṣāṁ sarvavyādhayaḥ praśameyuḥ,
nīrogāśca nirupadravāśca te syuryāva bodhiparyavasānam ||
"The seventh great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, I shall cause sentient beings who are oppressed by many illnesses and who are
without aid, without a place to turn, without a doctor, without medicine, without relatives, and without a family,
who are poverty-stricken and filled with suffering to be cured of their sicknesses upon having my name
pass by their ear, so they are peaceful and happy in body and mind. They will have a family and relatives, and
acquire an abundance of property and wealth, and even realize unsurpassed Bodhi.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते --- तदा यः कश्चिन्मातृग्रामो
संल्किष्टं स्त्रीभावं
विजुगुप्सितं मातृग्रामयोनिं
च परिमोक्तुकामो मम
नामधेयं धारयेत्, तस्य
मातृग्रामस्य न स्त्रीभावो
भवेत् याव बोधिपर्यवसानम्॥ aṣṭamaṁ
tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate --- tadā yaḥ kaścinmātṛgrāmo
nānāśtrīdoṣaśataiḥ saṁlkiṣṭaṁ strībhāvaṁ
vijugupsitaṁ mātṛgrāmayoniṁ ca parimoktukāmo mama nāmadheyaṁ dhārayet,
tasya mātṛgrāmasya na strībhāvo bhavet yāva bodhiparyavasānam ||
"The eighth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, if there are women who give rise to a deep loathing for their female body and
wish to renounce it because they are oppressed and disturbed by the myriad sufferings of being female, upon hearing
my name, they will be able to turn from women into men who are replete with male features and ultimately
realize unsurpassed Bodhi.'
नवमं तस्य
महाप्रणिधानमभूत्- यदाहमनागते
--- तदा बोधिप्राप्तेऽहं
सर्वसत्त्वान् मारपाशबन्धनबद्धान्
विनिवर्त्य सम्यग्दृष्टौ
नियोज्य आनुपूर्व्येण
संदर्शयेयम्॥ navamaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate
--- tadā bodhiprāpte'haṁ sarvasattvān mārapāśabandhanabaddhān nānādṛṣṭigahanasaṁkaṭaprāptān
sarvamārapāśadṛṣṭigatibhyo vinivartya samyagdṛṣṭau niyojya
ānupūrvyeṇa bodhisattvacārikāṁ saṁdarśayeyam ||
"The ninth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, I Shall liberate sentient beings from the nets of demons and the bonds of external
sects. If they have fallen into the dense forests of evil views, I shall lead them to have proper views and to
gradually cultivate the Practices of Bodhisattvas so they will quickly realize unsurpassed, proper and equal
दशमं तस्य
महाप्रणिधानमभूत-- यदाहमनागते---
तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये केचित् सत्त्वा
राजाधिभयभीताः, ये वा
वधार्हा अनेकमायाभिरुपद्रुता
विमानिताश्च कायिकवाचिकचैतसिकदुःखैरभ्याहताः
, ते मम नामधेयस्य श्रवणेन
मदीयेन पुण्यानुभावेन
च सर्वभयोपद्रवेभ्यः
परिमुच्येरन्॥ daśamaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūta--yadāhamanāgate---
tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me ye kecit sattvā rājādhibhayabhītāḥ, ye vā
bandhanabaddhāvaruddhāḥ vadhārhā anekamāyābhirupadrutā vimānitāśca
kāyikavācikacaitasikaduḥkhairabhyāhatāḥ,te mama nāmadheyasya śravaṇena
madīyena puṇyānubhāvena ca sarvabhayopadravebhyaḥ parimucyeran ||
"The tenth great vow: 'I vow that in a future
life when I attain Bodhi, I shall cause sentient beings who fall into the hands of the law and are bound,
interrogated, whipped, fettered, imprisoned, sentenced to execution, or subjected to endless disasters, hardships,
abuse, and humiliation so that they are tom by grief and distress and suffering in body and mind, to obtain,
upon hearing my name, liberation from all worry and suffering by means of my blessings, virtue, and awesome
spiritual power.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत-
यदाहमनागते --- तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये सत्त्वाः क्षुधाग्निना
प्रज्वलिताः आहारपानपर्येष्ट्यभियुक्ताः
तन्निदानं पापं कुर्वन्ति,
सचे(त्) ते मम् नामधेयं
धारयेयुः, अहं तेषां
वर्णगन्धरसोपेतेन आहारेण
शरीरं संतर्पयेयम्॥ ekādaśamaṁ
tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūta-yadāhamanāgate --- tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me
ye sattvāḥ kṣudhāgninā prajvalitāḥ āhārapānaparyeṣṭyabhiyuktāḥ
tannidānaṁ pāpaṁ kurvanti, sace(t) te mam nāmadheyaṁ dhārayeyuḥ, ahaṁ
teṣāṁ varṇagandharasopetena āhāreṇa śarīraṁ saṁtarpayeyam
"The eleventh great vow: 'I vow that in a
future life when I attain Bodhi, I shall cause all sentient beings who are so plagued by hunger and thirst
that they create all kinds of bad karma in their quest for food, upon hearing my name and single-mindedly accepting
and maintaining it, to be filled with delicious food and drink and afterward, by means of the flavor of
Dharma, to settle in ultimate peace and happiness.'
तस्य महाप्रणिधानमभूत्-
यदाहमनागते--- तदा बोधिप्राप्तस्य
च मे ये केचित् सत्त्वा
वसनविरहिता दरिद्राः
रात्रिंदिवं दुःखमनुभवन्ति,
सचे(त्) ते मम नामधेयें
धारयेयुः, अहं तेषां
च वस्त्रपरिभोगमुपसंहरेयम्,
नानारङ्गै रक्तांश्च
कामानुपनामयेयम्, विविधैश्च
सर्वसत्त्वानां सर्वाभिप्रायान्
परिपूरयेयम्॥ dvādaśamaṁ tasya mahāpraṇidhānamabhūt-yadāhamanāgate---
tadā bodhiprāptasya ca me ye kecit sattvā vasanavirahitā daridrāḥ śītoṣṇadaṁśamaśakrairupadrutā
rātriṁdivaṁ duḥkhamanubhavanti, sace(t) te mama nāmadheyeṁ dhārayeyuḥ,
ahaṁ teṣāṁ ca vastraparibhogamupasaṁhareyam, nānāraṅgai raktāṁśca
kāmānupanāmayeyam, vividhaiśca ratnābharaṇagandhamālyavilepanavādyatūryatālāvacaraiḥ
sarvasattvānāṁ sarvābhiprāyān paripūrayeyam ||
"The twelfth great vow: 'I vow that
in a future life when I attain Bodhi, if there are sentient beings who are poor and without clothes so
that day and night they are troubled by mosquitoes and flies, and by cold and heat, upon hearing my name and single-mindedly
accepting and maintaining it, they shall obtain all kinds of fine and wonderful garments that accord with
their tastes, as well as a variety of precious adornments, flower garlands, fragrant balms, and the enjoyments
of music and various kinds of talents, so that all their hearts, delights will be fulfilled.'
इमानि द्वादश
महाप्रणिधानानि मञ्जुश्रीः
भगवान् भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्तथागतोऽर्हन्
सम्यक्संबुद्धः पूर्वं
बोधिचारिकां चरन् कृतवान्॥ imāni
dvādaśa mahāpraṇidhānāni mañjuśrīḥ bhagavān bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhastathāgato'rhan
samyaksaṁbuddhaḥ pūrvaṁ bodhicārikāṁ caran kṛtavān ||
"Manjusri, these are the twelve sublime and
wonderful vows that the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, One of Proper and
Equal Enlightenment, made while cultivating the Bodhisattva Way.
तस्य खलु
पुनर्मञ्जुश्रीः भगवतो
तथागतस्य यत् प्रणिधानं
यच्च बुद्धक्षेत्रगुणव्यूहं
तन्न शक्यं कल्पेन वा
कल्पावशेषेण वा क्षपयितुम्।
सुविशुद्धं तद् बुद्धक्षेत्रं
। वैदूर्यमयी च सा महापृथिवी
, यदृशी सुखावती लोकधातुस्तादृशी। tasya
khalu punarmañjuśrīḥ bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya yat praṇidhānaṁ
yacca buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaṁ tanna śakyaṁ kalpena vā kalpāvaśeṣeṇa
vā kṣapayitum suviśuddhaṁ tad buddhakṣetraṁ vyapagataśilāśarkarakaṭhalyamapagatakāmadoṣamapagatāpāyaduḥkhaśabdamapagatamātṛgrāmam
| vaidūryamayī ca sā mahāpṛthivī kuḍyaprākāraprāsādatoraṇagavākṣajālaniryūhasaptaratnamayī
, yadṛśī sukhāvatī lokadhātustādṛśī | "Moreover, Manjusri, if I
were to speak for an eon or more about the great vows made by the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya
Light Tathagata, when he practiced the Bodhisattva Way and about the merit, virtue, and adornments of his Buddhaland,
I could not finish. "That Buddhaland has always been completely pure; there are no women, no evil destinies,
and no sounds of suffering. The ground is made of vaidurya, with golden cords lining the roads. The city walls,
towers, palace pavilions, studios, windows, and latticework are all made of the seven treasures. The merit,
virtue, and adornments of this land are identical to those of the Western Land of Ultimate miss.
तत्र वैदूर्यनिर्भासायां
लोकधातौ द्वौ बोधिसत्त्वौ
महासत्त्वौ तेषामप्रमेयाणामसंख्येयानां
बोधिसत्त्वानां महासत्त्वानां
प्रमुखौ, एककः सूर्यवैरोचनो
नाम, द्वितीयश्चन्द्रवैरोचनः,
यौ तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य सद्धर्मकोशं
धारयतः। तस्मात् तर्हि
मञ्जुश्रीः श्राद्धेन
कुलपुत्रेण वा कुलदुहित्रा
वा तत्र बुद्धक्षेत्रोपपत्तये
प्रणिधानं करणीयम्॥ tatra
vaidūryanirbhāsāyāṁ lokadhātau dvau bodhisattvau mahāsattvau teṣāmaprameyāṇāmasaṁkhyeyānāṁ
bodhisattvānāṁ mahāsattvānāṁ pramukhau, ekakaḥ sūryavairocano
nāma, dvitīyaścandravairocanaḥ, yau tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya saddharmakośaṁ dhārayataḥ | tasmāt tarhi mañjuśrīḥ
śrāddhena kulaputreṇa vā kuladuhitrā vā tatra buddhakṣetropapattaye praṇidhānaṁ
karaṇīyam ||
"Residing in that land are two Bodhisattvas
Mahasattvas; the first is called Universally Radiant Sunlight, and the second, Universally Radiant Moonlight.
They are the leaders among the immeasurable, uncountable hosts of Bodhisattvas in that land and will be the
successors to that Buddha. They are able to maintain the precious treasury of the proper Dharma of the World
Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. Therefore, Manjusri, all good men and women who
have faith should vow to be born in that Buddha's land."
भगवान् मञ्जुश्रियं
स्म- सन्ति मञ्जुश्रीः
पृथग्जनाः सत्त्वाः,
ये न जानन्ति कुशलाकुशलं
कर्म। ते लोभाभिभूता
अजानन्तो दानं दानस्य
च महाविपाकम्, बालाग्रमूर्खाः
धनसंचयक्षणाभियुक्ताः। न
च दानसंविभागे तेषां
चित्तं क्रमते। दानकाले
उपस्थिते स्वशरीरमंसच्छेदने
इव वा मनसो (दुःखं) भवति। punaraparaṁ
bhagavān mañjuśriyaṁ kumārabhūtamāmantrayate sma- santi mañjuśrīḥ pṛthagjanāḥ
sattvāḥ, ye na jānanti kuśalākuśalaṁ karma | te lobhābhibhūtā
ajānanto dānaṁ dānasya ca mahāvipākam, bālāgramūrkhāḥ śraddhendriyavikalā
dhanasaṁcayakṣaṇābhiyuktāḥ | na ca dānasaṁvibhāge teṣāṁ
cittaṁ kramate | dānakāle upasthite svaśarīramaṁsacchedane iva vā manaso (duḥkhaṁ)
bhavati |
At that time, the World Honored One again
spoke to the Pure Youth Manjusri saying, "Manjusri, there are living beings who don't distinguish good
from evil, who indulge in greed and stinginess, and who know nothing of giving or its rewards. They are stupid,
ignorant, and lack the foundation of faith. They accumulate much wealth and many treasures and ardently
guard them. When they see a beggar coming, they feel displeased. When they have to practice an act of charity that
does not benefit themselves, they feel as though they were cutting a piece of flesh from their body, and they
suffer deep and painful regret.
अनेके च
सत्त्वाः ये स्वयमेव
न परिभुञ्जन्ति, प्रागेव
दास्यन्ति, प्रागेव दासदासीकर्मकराणाम्,
प्रागेवान्येषां याचकानाम्,
ते तादृशाः सत्त्वा इतश्च्युत्वा
प्रेतलोके उपपत्स्यन्ते
तिर्यग्योनौ वा। यैः
पूर्वं मनुष्यभूतैः श्रुतं
भविष्यति तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य नामधेयम्, तत्र
तेषां यमलोकस्थितानां
वा तस्य तथागतस्य नाम
सु(सं?) मुखीभविष्यति।
सह स्मरणमात्रेण अतश्च्युत्वा
पुनरपि मनुष्यलोके
उपपत्स्यन्ते, जातिस्मराश्च
भविष्यन्ति। ते ते दुर्गतिभयभीता
न भूयः कामगुणेभिरर्थिका
भविष्यन्ति, दानाभिरताश्च
भविष्यन्ति दानस्य च
वर्णवादिनः। सर्वमपि
करचरणशीर्षनयनं च मांसशोणितं
(च) याचकानामनुप्रदास्यन्ति,
प्रागेव अन्यं धनस्कन्धम्॥ aneke
ca sattvāḥ ye svayameva na paribhuñjanti, prāgeva mātāpitṛbhāryāduhitṝṇāṁ
dāsyanti, prāgeva dāsadāsīkarmakarāṇām, prāgevānyeṣāṁ
yācakānām, te tādṛśāḥ sattvā itaścyutvā pretaloke upapatsyante
tiryagyonau vā | yaiḥ pūrvaṁ manuṣyabhūtaiḥ śrutaṁ bhaviṣyati
tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyam, tatra teṣāṁ
yamalokasthitānāṁ tiryagyonisthitānāṁ vā tasya tathāgatasya nāma
su(saṁ?) mukhībhaviṣyati | saha smaraṇamātreṇa ataścyutvā punarapi manuṣyaloke
upapatsyante, jātismarāśca bhaviṣyantio | te te durgatibhayabhītā na bhūyaḥ
kāmaguṇebhirarthikā bhaviṣyanti, dānābhiratāśca bhaviṣyanti dānasya
ca varṇavādinaḥ | sarvamapi parityāgenānupūrveṇa karacaraṇaśīrṣanayanaṁ
ca māṁsaśoṇitaṁ (ca) yācakānāmanupradāsyanti, prāgeva anyaṁ
dhanaskandham ||
"There are other innumerable avaricious and
miserly living beings who hoard money and necessities that they don't use even for themselves, how much
less for their parents, wives, or servants, or for beggars! At the end of heir lives, such beings will be reborn
among the hungry ghosts or animals. If they heard the name of that Buddha, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light
Tathagata, in their former human existence, and they recall that Tathagata's name for the briefest moment while
they are in the evil destinies, they will immediately be reborn in the human realm. Moreover, they will
remember their past lives and will dread the sufferings of the evil destinies. They will not delight in worldly
pleasures, but will rejoice in giving and praise others who give. They will not begrudge giving whatever they have.
Gradually, to those who come to beg, they will be able to give away their own head, eyes, hands, feet,
and even their entire body, to say nothing of their money and property!
मञ्जुश्रीः सन्ति सत्त्वाः
ये तथागतानुद्दिश्य
शिक्षापदानि धारयन्ति,
ते शीलविपत्तिमापद्यन्ते,
वा कदाचिदापद्यन्ते।
शीलविपन्ना ये पुनः
शीलवन्तो भवन्ति, शीलं
रक्षन्ति, न पुनर्बहुश्रुतं
पर्येष्यन्ति, न च तथागतभाषितानां
च पुनर्बुहुश्रुताः,
ते आधिमानिका भविष्यन्ति
मानस्तब्धाः, परेषामीर्ष्यापरायणाः
प्रतिक्षिपन्ति। punaraparaṁ
mañjuśrīḥ santi sattvāḥ ye tathāgatānuddiśya śikṣāpadāni
dhārayanti, te śīlavipattimāpadyante, dṛṣṭivipattimācāravipattiṁ
vā kadācidāpadyante | śīlavipannā ye punaḥ śīlavanto bhavanti, śīlaṁ
rakṣanti, na punarbahuśrutaṁ paryeṣyanti, na ca tathāgatabhāṣitānāṁ
gambhīramarthamājānanti| ye ca punarbuhuśrutāḥ, te ādhimānikā bhaviṣyanti
mānastabdhāḥ, pareṣāmīrṣyāparāyaṇāḥ saddharmamavamanyante
pratikṣipanti |
"Moreover, Manjusri, there are beings who,
although they study under the Tathagata, nonetheless violate the sila. Others, although they do not violate
the sila, nonetheless transgress the rules and regulations. Others, although they do not violate the sila or rules
and regulations, nonetheless destroy their own proper views. Others, although they do not destroy their own
proper views, nonetheless neglect learning, so they are unable to understand the profound meaning of the
sutras that the Buddha speaks. Others, although they are learned, nonetheless give rise to overweening pride, Shadowed
by overweening pride, they justify themselves and disparage others, slander the proper Dharma, and join
the retinue of demons.
तादृशा मोहपुरुषाः स्वयं
अन्यानि चानेकानि सत्त्वकोटिनियुतशतसहस्राणि
महाप्रपाते प्रपातयन्ति।
तेषामेवंरूपाणां सत्त्वानां
भूयिष्ठेन नरकवासगतिर्भविष्यति।
तत्र यैस्तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रुतं
भविष्यन्ति, तेषां तत्र
नरके स्थितानां बुद्धानुभावेन
तस्य तथागतस्य नामधेयं
सुमुखीभविष्यति। ते
ततश्च्युत्वा पुनरपि
मनुष्यलोके उपपत्स्यन्ते
वीर्यवन्तः कल्याणाशयाः। ते
गृहानुत्सृज्य तथागतशासने
प्रव्रजित्वा आनुपूर्वेण
परिपूरयिष्यन्ति॥ mārapakṣikāste
tādṛśā mohapuruṣāḥ svayaṁ kumārgapratipannāḥ | anyāni
cānekāni sattvakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇi mahāprapāte prapātayanti | teṣāmevaṁrūpāṇāṁ
sattvānāṁ bhūyiṣṭhena narakavāsagatirbhaviṣyati | tatra yaistasya
bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrutaṁ bhaviṣyanti,
teṣāṁ tatra narake sthitānāṁ buddhānubhāvena tasya tathāgatasya
nāmadheyaṁ sumukhībhaviṣyati | te tataścyutvā punarapi manuṣyaloke upapatsyante
samyagdṛṣṭisaṁpannā vīryavantaḥ kalyāṇāśayāḥ | te
gṛhānutsṛjya tathāgataśāsane pravrajitvā ānupūrveṇa bodhisattvacārikāṁ
paripūrayiṣyanti ||
Such fools act on their misguided views and
further, a cause immeasurable minions of beings to fall into pits of great danger. These beings will drift
endlessly in the realms of the hells, the animals, and the ghosts. But if they hear the name of Medicine Master
Vaidurya Light Tathagata, they will be able to renounce their evil practices and cultivate wholesome Dharma,
and thereby avoid falling into the evil destinies. If those who have fallen into the evil destinies because
they could not renounce their evil practices and cultivate wholesome Dharmas, by the awesome power of the past vows
of that Tathagata, get to hear his name for only a moment, then after they pass out of that existence,
they will be reborn again as human beings. They will hold proper views and will be ever vigorous. Their minds
will be well regulated and joyful, enabling them to renounce their families and leave the householder's life-They
will take up and maintain study of the Tathagatas, Dharma without any violation. They will have proper
views and erudition; they will understand profound meanings and yet be free from overweening pride. They will not
slander the proper Dharma and will never join the ranks of demons. They will progressively cultivate the
practices of Bodhisattvas and will soon bring them to perfection.
मञ्जुश्रीः सन्ति सत्त्वाः
ये आत्मनो वर्णं भाषन्ते
मत्सरिणः, परेषामवर्णमुच्चारयन्ति।
सत्त्वाः परस्परसत्कृत्वाः
त्र्यपायेषु बहूनि
वर्षसहस्राणि दुःखमनुभविष्यन्ति।ते
ततश्च्युत्वा गवाश्वोष्ट्रगर्दभादिषु
तिर्यग्योनिषु उपपद्यन्ते।
कशादण्डप्रहारेण ताडिताः
महान्तं भारं वहमाना
मार्गं गच्छन्ति। यदि
कदाचित् मनुष्यजन्मप्रतिलाभं
प्रतिलप्स्यन्ते, ते
नित्यकालं नीचकुलेषु
उपपत्स्यन्ते, दासत्वे
च परवशगता भविष्यन्ति। punaraparaṁ
mañjuśrīḥ santi sattvāḥ ye ātmano varṇaṁ bhāṣante matsariṇaḥ,
pareṣāmavarṇamuccārayanti | ātmotkarṣakaparapaṁsakāḥ sattvāḥ
parasparasatkṛtvāḥ tryapāyeṣu bahūni varṣasahasrāṇi duḥkhamanubhaviṣyanti
| te anekavarṣasahasrāṇāmatyayena. tataścyutvā gavāśvoṣṭragardabhādiṣu
tiryagyoniṣu upapadyante | kaśādaṇḍaprahāreṇa tāḍitāḥ
kṣuttarṣapīḍitaśarīrā mahāntaṁ bhāraṁ vahamānā
mārgaṁ gacchanti | yadi kadācit manuṣyajanmapratilābhaṁ pratilapsyante, te nityakālaṁ
nīcakuleṣu upapatsyante, dāsatve ca paravaśagatā bhaviṣyanti |
"Moreover, Manjusri, if there are sentient
beings who harbor stinginess, greed, and jealousy who praise them- selves and disparage others, they will
fallinto the three evil destinies for countless thousands of years where they will undergo intense suffering. After
undergoing intense suffering, at the end of their lives they will be born in the world as oxen, horses, camels,
and donkeys that are constantly beaten, afflicted by thirst and hunger, and made to carry heavy burdens
along the roads. Or they may be reborn among lowly people, as slaves or servants who are always ordered around by
others and who never for a moment feel at ease.
यैः पूर्वं
मनुष्यभूतैस्तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रुतं
भविष्यति, ते तेन कुशलमूलेन
सर्वदुःखेभ्यः परिमोक्ष्यन्ते,
भविष्यन्ति पण्डिता
व्यक्ता मेघाविनश्च।
नित्यं च कल्याणमित्रसमवधानं
लप्स्यन्ते, मारपाशमुच्छिद्य
अविद्याण्डकोशं भिन्दन्ति,
परिमुच्यन्ति yaiḥ pūrvaṁ manuṣyabhūtaistasya
bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrutaṁ
bhaviṣyati, te tena kuśalamūlena sarvaduḥkhebhyaḥ parimokṣyante, tīkṣṇendriyāśca
bhaviṣyanti paṇḍitā vyaktā meghāvinaśca | kuśalaparyeṣṭyabhiyuktā
nityaṁ ca kalyāṇamitrasamavadhānaṁ lapsyante, mārapāśamucchidya
avidyāṇḍakośaṁ bhindanti, kleśanadīmucchoṣayanti, jātijarāvyādhimaraṇabhayaśokaparidevaduḥkhadaurmanasyopāyāsebhyaḥ
parimucyanti ||
"If such beings, in their former lives as
humans, heard the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, and by this
good cause are able to remember it and sincerely take refuge with that Buddha, then, by means of the Buddha's spiritual
power, they will be liberated from all sufferings. They will be endowed with keen faculties, and they
will be wise and erudite. They will always seek the supreme Dharmas and encounter good friends. They will eternally
sever the nets of demons and smash the shell of ignorance. They will dry up the river of afflictions and be
liberated from birth, old age, sickness, death, anxiety, grief, suffering, and vexation.
मञ्जुश्रीः सन्ति सत्त्वाः
ये पैशुन्याभिरताः
सत्त्वानां परस्परं
कारापयन्ति। ते परस्परं
विग्रहचित्ताः सत्त्वा
कायेन वाचा मनसा, अन्योन्यमहितकामा
नित्यं परस्परमनर्थाय
पराक्रामन्ति। ते च वनदेवतामावाहयन्ति
वृक्षदेवतां गिरिदेवतां
च। श्मशानेषु पृथग्
भूतानावाहयन्ति। तिर्यग्योनिगतांश्च
प्राणिनो जीविताद् व्यवरोपयन्ति।
मांसरुधिरभक्षान् यक्षराक्षसान्
पूजयन्ति। तस्य शत्रोर्नाम
वा शरीरप्रतिमां वा
कृत्वा तत्र घोरविद्यां
साधयन्ति काखोर्दवेतालानुप्रयोगेण
जीवितान्तरायं वा शरीरविनाशं
वा कर्तुकामाः। punaraparaṁ mañjuśrīḥ
santi sattvāḥ ye paiśunyābhiratāḥ sattvānāṁ parasparaṁ kalahavigrahavivādān
kārāpayanti | te parasparaṁ vigrahacittāḥ sattvā nānāvidhamakuśalamabhisaṁskurvanti
kāyena vācā manasā, anyonyamahitakāmā nityaṁ parasparamanarthāya parākrāmanti
| te ca vanadevatāmāvāhayanti vṛkṣadevatāṁ giridevatāṁ ca | śmaśāneṣu
pṛthag bhūtānāvāhayanti | tiryagyonigatāṁśca prāṇino jīvitād
vyavaropayanti | māṁsarudhirabhakṣān yakṣarākṣasān pūjayanti | tasya
śatrornāma vā śarīrapratimāṁ vā kṛtvā tatra ghoravidyāṁ
sādhayanti kākhordavetālānuprayogeṇa jīvitāntarāyaṁ vā śarīravināśaṁ
vā kartukāmāḥ |
"Moreover, Manjusri, there may be beings who
delight in perversity and engage in legal disputes, bringing trouble to others as well as themselves.
In their actions, speech, and thought, they create ever- increasing amounts of evil karma. Never willing to benefit and
forgive others, they scheme to harm one another instead. They pray to the spirits of the mountain forests,
trees, and graves. They kill living beings in order to make sacrifices of blood and flesh to the yaksa and
raksasa ghosts. They write down the names of their enemies and make images of them, and then they hex those
names and images with evil mantras. They summon paralysis ghosts, cast hexes, or command corpse- raising ghosts
to kill or injure their enemies.
यैः पुनस्तस्य
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रुतं
भविष्यति, तेषां न शक्यं
केनान्तरायं कर्तुम्।सर्वे
च ते परस्परं मैत्रचित्ता
हितचित्ता अव्यापन्नचित्ताश्च
विहरन्ति स्वकस्वकेन
परिग्रहेण संतुष्टाः॥ yaiḥ
punastasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrutaṁ
bhaviṣyati, teṣāṁ na śakyaṁ kenāntarāyaṁ kartum | sarve ca
te parasparaṁ maitracittā hitacittā avyāpannacittāśca viharanti svakasvakena parigraheṇa
saṁtuṣṭāḥ ||
"However, if the victims hear the name of
Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, then all those evil things will lose their power to do harm.
The evildoers will become kind to one another. They will attain benefit, peace, and happiness and no longer cherish
thoughts of malice, affliction, or enmity. Everyone will rejoice and feel content with what they have.
Instead of encroaching upon each other, they will seek to benefit one another.
मञ्जुश्रीः एताश्चतस्रः
पर्षदो भिक्षुभिक्षुण्युपासकोपासिकाः
, ये चान्ये श्राद्धाः
कुलपुत्रा वा कुलदुहितरो
वा आर्याष्टाङ्गैः समन्वागता
उपवासमुपवसन्ति, एकवार्षिकं
वा त्रैमासिकं वा शिक्षापदं
धारयिष्यन्ति, येषामेवंप्रणिधानमेवमभिप्रायम्
-अनेन वयं कुशलमूलेन
पश्चिमायां दिशि सुखावत्यां
लोकधातौ उपपद्येम यत्रामितायुस्तथागतः।
यैः पुनस्तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रुतं
भविष्यति, तेषां मरणकालसमये
अष्टौ बोधिसत्त्वा ऋद्ध्यागता
उपदर्शयन्ति, ते तत्र
नानारङ्गेषु पद्मेषूपपादुकाः
प्रादुर्भविष्यन्ति। punaraparaṁ
mañjuśrīḥ etāścatasraḥ parṣado bhikṣubhikṣuṇyupāsakopāsikāḥ,
ye cānye śrāddhāḥ kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā āryāṣṭāṅgaiḥ
samanvāgatā upavāsamupavasanti, ekavārṣikaṁ vā traimāsikaṁ vā
śikṣāpadaṁ dhārayiṣyanti, yeṣāmevaṁpraṇidhānamevamabhiprāyam-anena
vayaṁ kuśalamūlena paścimāyāṁ diśi sukhāvatyāṁ lokadhātau
upapadyema yatrāmitāyustathāgataḥ | yaiḥ punastasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrutaṁ bhaviṣyati, teṣāṁ maraṇakālasamaye
aṣṭau bodhisattvā ṛddhyāgatā upadarśayanti, te tatra nānāraṅgeṣu
padmeṣūpapādukāḥ prādurbhaviṣyanti |
"Furthermore, Manjushri, there are four groups
in our community: the monk, the nuns, the male devotees, and the female devotees. There are other pious
men and women, who believe and observe the first eight of the Ten Commandments. They observe all points from three
months to a year. Because of this good seed they have planted, they expect to be reborn in the Western
Paradise where the Buddha Amitayus dwells. But, though they hear the correct doctrine of the Buddha, they can not
discern and put enough trust in it. When they hear the name of the Buddha of Medicine at the time of their death,
then there will be eight Bodhisattvas who, with magic powers, will traverse the intervening space to come
to show them their ways, and amidst the colourful flowers of that world, they will be born there by transformation."
पुनर्देवलोके उपपद्यन्ते।
तेषां तत्रोपपन्नानां
पूर्वकं कुशलमूलं न क्षीयते,
न च दुर्गतिगमनं भविष्यति।
ते ततश्च्युत्वा इह
मनुष्यलोके उपपत्स्यन्ते।
राजानो भविष्यन्ति चतुर्द्वीपेश्वराश्चक्रवर्तिनः
। ते अनेकानि सत्त्वकोटीनियुतशतसहस्राणि
दशसु कुशलेषु कर्मपथेषु
अपरे पुनः क्षत्रियमहाशालकुलेषु
च कुलेषु उपपत्स्यन्ते।
ते रूपसंपन्नाश्च भविष्यन्ति,
भविष्यन्ति, परिवारसंपन्नाश्च
भविष्यन्ति। यश्च मातृग्रामः
तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रुत्वा
च उद्ग्रहीष्यति, तस्य
स एव पश्चिमः स्त्रीभावः
प्रतिकाङ्क्षितव्यः॥ kecid
punardevaloke upapadyante |teṣāṁ tatropapannānāṁ pūrvakaṁ kuśalamūlaṁ
na kṣīyate, na ca durgatigamanaṁ bhaviṣyati |te tataścyutvā iha manuṣyaloke upapatsyante
|rājāno bhaviṣyanti caturdvīpeśvarāścakravartinaḥ |te anekāni sattvakoṭīniyutaśatasahasrāṇi
daśasu kuśaleṣu karmapatheṣu pratiṣṭhāpayiṣyanti | apare punaḥ
kṣatriyamahāśālakuleṣu brāhmaṇamahāśālakuleṣu prabhūtadhanadhānyakośakoṣṭhāgārasamṛddheṣu
ca kuleṣu upapatsyante |te rūpasaṁpannāśca bhaviṣyanti, eśvaryasaṁpannāśca
bhaviṣyanti,parivārasaṁpannāśca bhaviṣyanti |yaśca mātṛgrāmaḥ
tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrutvā
ca udgrahīṣyati, tasya sa eva paścimaḥ strībhāvaḥ pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ
"Or they may be born in the heavens due to
this cause. Although reborn in the heavens, their original good roots will not be exhausted and so they
will not fall into the evildestinies again. when their life in the heavens ends, they will be born among people
again. They may be wheel-turning kings, reigning over the four continents with awesome virtue and ease,
bringing uncountable hundreds of thousands of living beings to abide in the practice of the ten good deeds. Or they
may be born as Ksatriyas, Brahmans, laymen, or sons of honorable families. They will be wealthy, with
storehouses filled to overflowing. Handsome in appearance, they will be surrounded by a great retinue of relatives.
They will be intelligent and wise, courageous and valiant, like great and awesome knights. If a woman hears the
name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, and sincerely cherishes it, in
the future she will never again be born as a female. ---not found in this sanskrit version--- "Then, Manjushri,
when the Master of Healing, Azure Radiance Tathagata, had attained perfect Enlightenment, to become the Buddha of Medicine,
he saw by virtue of his vows, that the beings were suffering from all sorts of diseases, such as tuberculosis, bilious fever,
or that they were affected by a spell or by poison, or that some were by their nature short-lived, or that some have died
a violent death. He wish to fulfil all their desires by putting an end to all these diseases and miseries. Therefore the World's
Most Venerable entered into a Samadhi called the Removal of Suffering for All Beings. While He was in this contemplation a
great radiance of light of light was sent forth from his Ushnisa, and he pronounced the great Dharani as follows:
When He, in his radiance, had spoken this
mystical formula, the earth was shaken and emitted a great light. All beings were delivered from their diseases and miseries,
they are now happy because their bodies and minds are at rest.
"Manjushri, if you see a pious man or woman
who suffers from a disease, you shall do the following whole-heartedly for those sick people: let them keep clean by taking
frequently baths and rinse their mouths, give them food, medicine and clean water, and recite the Dharani for a hundred and
eight times, then all diseases will disappear entirely. When one of them has a particular wish, he shall concentrate and recite
the magic formula. Then he will fulfil all he wishes, he will be without disease, and will live longer. After his death, he
will born in paradise without having to return to this world, and will in the end attain perfect Enlightenment. Therefore,
Manjushri, if there is a pious man or woman who very seriously prays to the Buddha of Medicine and, he or she must always
keep in mind this magic formula and never forget it."
"Still more, Manjushri, there may be a pious
man or woman who hears the name of the Buddha of Medicine and repeats it and fosters it, he chews the Dantakastha (a stick
for cleaning the teeth) in the morning, takes bath and rinses his mouth, until he is quite clean. He then prays with incense
and flowers, he burns the incense and rubs the body with perfume, sings the Sutra and proffers offerings before the image
of the Buddha. He copies the Sutra or has it copied, learns it by heart, has it explained to him. He makes offerings to his
Buddhist teacher and gives alms generously and not let him be in want of anything. Then all the Buddhas will protect him and
keep him in mind. His prayers will be granted, he will eventually attain perfect Enlightenment."
--------no sanskrit counterpart ends--------
अथ खलु मञ्जुश्रीः
कुमारभूतो भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-अहं
भगवन् पश्चिमे काले पश्चिमे
समये तेषां श्राद्धानां
कुलपुत्राणां कुलदुहितॄणां
च तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य नामधेयं श्रावयिष्यामि,
अन्तशः स्वप्नान्तरमपि
बुद्धनामकं कर्णपुटेषु
उपसंहारयिष्यामि। ये
इदं सूत्ररत्नं धारयिष्यन्ति
वाचयिष्यन्ति देशयिष्यन्ति
पर्यवाप्स्यन्ति, परेभ्यो
विस्तरेण संप्रकाशयिष्यन्ति,
लिखिष्यन्ति लिखापयिष्यन्ति,
पुस्तकगतं वा कृत्वा
सत्करिष्यन्ति नानापुष्पधूपगन्धमाल्यविलेपनछत्रध्वजपताकाभिः
, तत् पञ्चरङ्गिकवस्त्रैः
परिवेष्ट्य शुचौ प्रदेशे
स्थापयितव्यम्। यत्रैव
इदं सूत्रान्तं स्थापितं
भवति, तत्र चत्वारो महाराजानः
सपरिवाराः, अन्यानि च
अनेकानि च देवकोटिनियुतशतसहस्राणि
उपसंक्रमिष्यन्ति। atha
khalu mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūto bhagavantametadavocat-ahaṁ bhagavan paścime kāle
paścime samaye teṣāṁ śrāddhānāṁ kulaputrāṇāṁ kuladuhitṝṇāṁ
ca tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śrāvayiṣyāmi,
antaśaḥ svapnāntaramapi buddhanāmakaṁ karṇapuṭeṣu upasaṁhārayiṣyāmi
| ye idaṁ sūtraratnaṁ dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti deśayiṣyanti
paryavāpsyanti, parebhyo vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti, likhiṣyanti likhāpayiṣyanti,
pustakagataṁ vā kṛtvā satkariṣyanti nānāpuṣpadhūpagandhamālyavilepanachatradhvajapatākābhiḥ,
tat pañcaraṅgikavastraiḥ pariveṣṭya śucau pradeśe sthāpayitavyam |yatraiva
idaṁ sūtrāntaṁ sthāpitaṁ bhavati, tatra catvāro mahārājānaḥ
saparivārāḥ, anyāni ca anekāni ca devakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇi upasaṁkramiṣyanti
At that time, the Pure youth Manjusri said
to the Buddha, 'World Honored One, I vow that in the Dharma- Image Age, using various expedient means, I shall enable good
men and women of pure faith to hear the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. Even during
their sleep, I will awaken them with this Buddha's name. "World Honored One, there may be those who accept and uphold this
Sutra, read and recite it, explain its meanings for others, write it out themselves, or tell others to write it out. They
may revere it by making offerings of various flowers, paste incense, powdered incense, stick incense, flower garlands, necklaces,
banners, canopies, and music. They may make bags of five-colored thread in which to keep the Sutra. They may sweep clean a
place and arrange a high altar on which to place this Sutra. At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings with their retinues and
other innumerable hundreds of thousands of gods will come to that place to worship and protect it.
सूत्रं प्रचरिष्यति।
ते च भगवन् इदं सूत्ररत्नं
प्रकाशयिष्यन्ति। तस्य
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य पूर्वप्रणिधानविशेषविस्तरविभागं
च तस्य तथागतस्य नामधेयं
धारयिष्यन्ति, तेषां
नाकालमरणं भविष्यति।
tatredaṁ sūtraṁ pracariṣyati
| te ca bhagavan idaṁ sūtraratnaṁ prakāśayiṣyanti | tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya pūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistaravibhāgaṁ ca tasya tathāgatasya
nāmadheyaṁ dhārayiṣyanti, teṣāṁ nākālamaraṇaṁ bhaviṣyati
"World Honored One, it should be known that
if, in the places where this precious Sutra circulates, people can accept and uphold it, then due to the merit and virtue
of the past vows of that World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, because they have heard his name, none
of those people will meet with untimely death. In addition, none of them will be robbed of his vital energy by evil ghosts
and spirits. Those people whose vital energies have already been robbed will have their health restored, and they will be
happy and at peace in body and mind."
न तेषां
केनचित् शक्यमोजोऽपहर्तुम्,
हृतं वा ओजः पुनरपि प्रतिसंहरति।
भगवानाह- एतमेतद् मञ्जुश्रीः,
एवमेतत्, यथा वदसि। यश्च
मञ्जुश्रीः श्राद्धः
कुलपुत्रो वा कुलदुहिता
वा तस्य तथागतस्य पूजां
कर्तुकामः, na teṣāṁ kenacit śakyamojo'pahartum,
hṛtaṁ vā ojaḥ punarapi pratisaṁharati | bhagavānāha- etametad mañjuśrīḥ,
evametat, yathā vadasi | yaśca mañjuśrīḥ śrāddhaḥ kulaputro vā kuladuhitā
vā tasya tathāgatasya pūjāṁ kartukāmaḥ,
The Buddha told Manjusri, "So it is, so
it is! It is exactly as you say. Manjusri, if there are good men and women of pure faith who wish to make offerings to that
world Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata,
तेन तस्य
तथागतस्य प्रतिमा कारापयितव्या,
सप्त रात्रिंदिवमार्याष्टाङ्गमार्गसमन्वागतेन
शुचिना शुचिमाहारं कृत्वा
शुचौ प्रदेशे (नानापुष्पाणि
संस्तार्य नानागन्धप्रधूपिते
तस्मिन् पृथिवीप्रदेशे
सुस्नातगात्रेण शुचिविमलवसनधारिणा
निर्मलचित्तेन अकलुषचित्तेन
अव्यापादचित्तेन सर्वसत्त्वेषु
मैत्रचित्तेन (उपेक्षाचित्तेन)
समचित्तेन भवितव्यम्।
tena tasya tathāgatasya pratimā kārāpayitavyā, sapta rātriṁdivamāryāṣṭāṅgamārgasamanvāgatena
upavāsamupavasitavyam | śucinā śucimāhāraṁ kṛtvā śucau pradeśe
(nānāpuṣpāṇi saṁstārya nānāgandhapradhūpite nānāvastracchatradhvajapatākāsamalaṁkṛte
tasmin pṛthivīpradeśe susnātagātreṇa śucivimalavasanadhāriṇā
nirmalacittena akaluṣacittena avyāpādacittena sarvasattveṣu maitracittena (upekṣācittena)
sarvasattvānāmantike samacittena bhavitavyam |
they should first make an image of that Buddha
and arrange a pure and clean dais on which to place the image. Then they should strew all kinds of flowers, burn various incenses,
and adorn the place with a variety of banners and streamers. For seven days and seven nights they should hold the eight precepts
and eat pure food. Having bathed until clean and fragrant, they should put on clean clothes. Their minds should be undefiled,
without thoughts of anger and malice. Toward all sentient beings, they should cherish thoughts of benevolence, peace, kindness,
compassion, joy, giving, and equanimity.
सा तथागतप्रतिमा प्रदक्षिणीकर्तव्या
तस्य तथागतस्य पूर्णप्रणिधानानि
मनसि कर्तव्यानि। इदं
सूत्रं प्रवर्तयितव्यम्।
यं चेतयति, यं प्रार्थयति,
तं सर्वाभिप्रायं परिपूरयति।
यदि दिर्घमायुः कामयते,
दिर्घायुष्को भवति। यदि
भोगं प्रार्थयते, भोगसमृद्धो
भवति। यदि ऐश्वर्यमभिप्रार्थयते,
तदल्पकृच्छ्रेण प्राप्नोति।
यदि पुत्राभिलाषी भवति,
पुत्रं प्रतिलभते। nānātūryasaṁgītipravāditena
sā tathāgatapratimā pradakṣiṇīkartavyā tasya tathāgatasya pūrṇapraṇidhānāni
manasi kartavyāni | idaṁ sūtraṁ pravartayitavyam |yaṁ cetayati, yaṁ prārthayati,
taṁ sarvābhiprāyaṁ paripūrayati | yadi dirghamāyuḥ kāmayate, dirghāyuṣko
bhavati | yadi bhogaṁ prārthayate, bhogasamṛddho bhavati |yadi aiśvaryamabhiprārthayate, tadalpakṛcchreṇa
prāpnoti |yadi putrābhilāṣī bhavati, putraṁ pratilabhate |
"Playing musical instruments and singing praises,
they should circumambulate to the right of the Buddha's image. Moreover, they should recall the merit and virtue of that Tathagata's
past vows. They should read and recite this Sutra, ponder its meaning, and lecture on and explain it. Then they will obtain
whatever they seek: Those who seek long life will attain longevity; those who seek wealth will gain wealth; those who seek
an official position will obtain it; and those who seek a son or a daughter will have one.
ये इह पापकं
स्वप्नं पश्यन्ति, यत्र
वायसः स्थितो भवति दुर्निमित्तं
वा, यत्र अमङ्गलशतं वा
स्थितं भवति, तैस्तस्य
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य पूजा कर्तव्या।
भावाः प्रशमिष्यन्ति।
ye iha pāpakaṁ svapnaṁ
paśyanti, yatra vāyasaḥ sthito bhavati durnimittaṁ vā, yatra amaṅgalaśataṁ
vā sthitaṁ bhavati, taistasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya
pūjā kartavyā | sarvaduḥsvapnadurnimittāmāṅgalyāśca bhāvāḥ
praśamiṣyanti |
"Moreover, if a person who suddenly
has nightmare, sees ill omens, notices strange birds flocking together, or perceives many uncanny events in his dwelling can
worship and make offerings of many fine things to that World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, then the
nightmares, ill omens, and inauspicious things will disappear and will no longer trouble him.
भवति, तैस्तस्य तथागतस्य
पूजा कर्तव्या। ते सर्वभयेभ्यः
परिमोक्ष्यन्ते। येषां
चोरभयं तस्करभयम्, तैस्तस्य
तथागतस्य पूजा कर्तव्या॥
bhavati, taistasya tathāgatasya pūjā kartavyā | te sarvabhayebhyaḥ parimokṣyante
| yeṣāṁ corabhayaṁ taskarabhayam, taistasya tathāgatasya pūjā kartavyā ||
"When a person is endangered by water, fire,
knives, or poison; or finds himself on a steep cliff or in a dangerous place; or faces fierce elephants, lions, tigers, wolves,
bears, poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, mosquitoes, gnats, or other frightful things, if he can single-mindedly
recollect, worship, and make offerings to that Buddha, he will be liberated from all those frightful things. When other countries
invade or when there are thieves or riots, if a person can recollect and worship that Tathagata, then he will be free of all
of these as well.
कुलपुत्रा व कुलदुहितरो
वा ये यावज्जीवं त्रिशरणमुपगृह्णन्ति,
अनन्यदेवताश्च भवन्ति,
ये पञ्च शिक्षापदानि
धारयन्ति, ये च बोधिसत्त्वसंवरं
धारयन्ति, ये पुनरपिरं
भिक्षवः, पञ्चाधिके द्वे
शिक्षापदशते धारयन्ति,
या भिक्षुण्यः पञ्चशतशिक्षापदानि
धारयन्ति, ये च यथापरिगृहीताच्छिस्ख़ासंवरादन्यतराच्छिक्षापदात्
भ्रष्टा भवन्ति सचेद्
दुर्गतिभयभीताः, तस्य
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य नामधेयं धारयेयुः,
न भूयस्तेषां त्र्यपायगमनदुःखं
punaraparaṁ mañjuśrīḥ
ye śrāddhāḥ kulaputrā va kuladuhitaro vā ye yāvajjīvaṁ triśaraṇamupagṛhṇanti,
ananyadevatāśca bhavanti, ye pañca śikṣāpadāni dhārayanti, ye ca bodhisattvasaṁvaraṁ
caturvaraśikṣāpadaśataṁ dhārayanti, ye punarapiraṁ niṣkrāntagṛhavāsā
bhikṣavaḥ, pañcādhike dve śikṣāpadaśate dhārayanti, yā bhikṣuṇyaḥ
pañcaśataśikṣāpadāni dhārayanti, ye ca athāparigṛhītācchis āsaṁvarādanyatarācchikṣāpadāt
bhraṣṭā bhavanti saced durgatibhayabhītāḥ, tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ dhārayeyuḥ, na bhūyasteṣāṁ tryapāyagamanaduḥkhaṁ
pratikāṅkṣitavyam |
"Moreover, Manjusri, there may be good men
and women of pure faith who, all their lives, do not worship other gods, but single-mindedly take refuge
with the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. They accept and uphold precepts, such as the five precepts, the ten
precepts, the four hundred precepts of a Bodhisattva, the two hundred and fifty precepts of a Bhikshu,
or the five hundred precepts of a Bhikshuni. Perhaps they have violated some of the precepts they received and are
afraid of falling into the evil destinies. If they concentrate on reciting that Buddha's name and worship and
make offerings to him, they definitely will not be reborn in the three evil destinies.
यश्च मातृग्रामः
प्रसवनकाले तीव्रां दुःखां
खरां कटुकां वेदनां वेदयति,
या तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य नामधेयमनुस्मरेत्,
पूजां च कुर्यात्, सा
सुखं च प्रसूयते, सर्वाङ्गपरिपूर्णं
पुत्रं (च) जनयिष्यति
अभिरूपः प्रासादिको
बुद्धिमान्। स आरोग्यस्वल्पाबाधो
भविष्यति, न च शक्यते
अमनुष्यैस्तस्य ओजोऽपहर्तुम्॥ yaśca
mātṛgrāmaḥ prasavanakāle tīvrāṁ duḥkhāṁ kharāṁ
kaṭukāṁ vedanāṁ vedayati, yā tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
tathāgatasya nāmadheyamanusmaret, pūjāṁ ca kuryāt, sā sukhaṁ ca prasūyate,
sarvāṅgaparipūrṇaṁ putraṁ (ca) janayiṣyati abhirūpaḥ prāsādiko
darśanīyastīkṣṇendriyo buddhimān | sa ārogyasvalpābādho bhaviṣyati,
na ca śakyate amanuṣyaistasya ojo'pahartum ||
"If there is a woman about to give birth who
suffers great pain, if she sincerely recites his name and worships, praises, venerates, and makes offerings
to that Tathagata, her sufferings will be dispelled. The newborn child will be sound and healthy, and will have
upright features. Seeing him will make people happy. He will be keen and intelligent, peaceful and secure,
and with few ailments, and no evil spirit will come to rob him of his vitality.
अथ खलु भगवानायुष्मन्तमानन्दमामन्त्रयते
स्म-श्रद्दधासि त्वमानन्द
पत्तीयसि यदहं तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्यार्हतः सम्यक्संबुद्धस्य
गुणान् वर्णयिष्यामि
? अथवा ते काङ्क्षा वा
विमतिर्वा विचिकित्सा
वा अत्र गम्भीरे बुद्धगोचरे
? atha khalu bhagavānāyuṣmantamānandamāmantrayate sma-śraddadhāsi tvamānanda
pattīyasi yadahaṁ tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ
samyaksaṁbuddhasya guṇān varṇayiṣyāmi ? athavā te kāṅkṣā
vā vimatirvā vicikitsā vā atra gambhīre buddhagocare ? At that time the World Honored One
said to Ananda, "The merit and virtue of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata,
which I have just extolled, is the extremely profound practice of all Buddhas. It is difficult to fathom and to
comprehend. Do you believe it or not?
भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-न मे
भदन्त भगवन् अत्र काङ्क्षा
वा विमतिर्वा विचिकित्सा
वा तथागतभाषितेषु सूत्रान्तेषु।तत्
कस्य हेतोः ? नास्ति
। इमौ भगवन् चन्द्रसूर्यौ
एवं महर्द्धिकौ एवं महानुभावौ
पृथिव्यां प्रपतेताम्,
स सुमेरुर्वा पर्वतराजः
स्थानाच्चलेत्, न तु
बुद्धानां वचनमन्यथा
भवेत्। athāyuṣmānānando bhagavantametadavocat-na me bhadanta bhagavan
atra kāṅkṣā vā vimatirvā vicikitsā vā tathāgatabhāṣiteṣu
sūtrānteṣu |tat kasya hetoḥ ? nāsti tathāgatānāmapariśuddhakāyavāṅbhanaḥsamudācāratā
| imau bhagavan candrasūryau evaṁ maharddhikau evaṁ mahānubhāvau pṛthivyāṁ
prapatetām, sa sumerurvā parvatarājaḥ sthānāccalet, na tu buddhānāṁ
vacanamanyathā bhavet |
Ananda said, "Greatly virtuous World Honored
One, I have absolutely no doubts regarding the Sutras spoken by the Tathagata. why? Because all Buddhas'
karmas of body, speech, and mind are pure-World Honored One, the sun and moon could fall, wonderfully High, the
king of mountains, could be toppled or shaken, but the words of the Buddhas never change.
किं तु भदन्त
सन्ति सत्त्वाः श्रद्धेन्द्रियविकलाः।
इदं बुद्धगोचरं श्रुत्वां
एवं वक्ष्यन्तिकथमेतन्नामधेयस्मरणमात्रेण
तस्य तथागतस्य तावन्तो
गुणानुशंसा भवन्ति ? ते
न श्रद्दधन्ति न पत्तीयन्ति,
प्रतिक्षिपन्ति। तेषां
दीर्घरात्रमनर्थाय न
हिताय न सुखाय विनिपाताय्
भविष्यति। kiṁ tu bhadanta santi sattvāḥ śraddhendriyavikalāḥ
| idaṁ buddhagocaraṁ śrutvāṁ evaṁ vakṣyantikathametannāmadheyasmaraṇamātreṇa
tasya tathāgatasya tāvanto guṇānuśaṁsā bhavanti ? te na śraddadhanti na
pattīyanti, pratikṣipanti| teṣāṁ dīrgharātramanarthāya na hitāya
na sukhāya vinipātāy bhaviṣyati |
"World Honored One, there are sentient beings
deficient in faith who hear about the extremely profound practices of all Buddhas and think to themselves,'
How could one obtain such supreme merit and benefit merely by reciting the name of a single Buddha, Medicine Master
Vaidurya Light Tathagata? 'Due to this lack of faith, they give rise to slander. During the long night they
lose great benefit and joy and fall into the evil destinies, where they wander ceaselessly."
भगवानाह- अस्थानमानन्द
अनवकाशः, येन तस्य तथागतस्य
नामधेयं श्रुतम्, तस्य
सत्त्वस्य दुर्गत्यपायगमनं
भवेत्, नेदं स्थानं विद्यते।
bhagavānāha-asthānamānanda anavakāśaḥ, yena tasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ
śrutam, tasya sattvasya durgatyapāyagamanaṁ bhavet, nedaṁ sthānaṁ vidyate |
The Buddha told Ananda, "If these sentient
beings hear the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, and sincerely
accept and uphold it without any doubts, they cannot possibly fall into the evil destinies.
बुद्धगोचरम्। यत् त्वमानन्द
श्रद्दधासि पत्तीयसि,
द्रष्टव्यः। अभूमिरत्र
स्थापयित्वा एकजातिप्रतिबद्धान्
बोधिसत्त्वान् महासत्त्वानिति। duḥśraddhānīyaṁ
ca ānanda buddhānāṁ buddhagocaram | yat tvamānanda śraddadhāsi pattīyasi,
tathāgatasyaiṣonubhāvo draṣṭavyaḥ | abhūmiratra sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṁ
sthāpayitvā ekajātipratibaddhān bodhisattvān mahāsattvāniti |
"Ananda, this is the extremely profound practice
of all Buddhas which is difficult to believe and to understand! you should know that your ability to accept
this comes from the awesome power of the Tathagata Ananda, alI Hearers, Solitarily Enlightened Ones, and the Bodhisattvas
who have not yet ascended to the Grounds are incapable of believing and understanding this Dharma as it really
is. Only the Bodhisattvas who are destined in one life to attain Buddhahood are capable of understanding.
आनन्द मनुष्यप्रतिलाभः,
दुर्लभं त्रिरत्ने श्रद्धागौरवम्,
सुदुर्लभं तथागतस्य
नामधेयश्रवणम्। तस्य
भगवतस्तथागतस्य भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
आनन्द बोधिसत्त्वचर्याम
(र्या अ) प्रमाणम्, उपायकौशल्यमप्यप्रमाणम्,
अप्रमाणं चास्य प्रणिधानविशेषविस्तरम्।
आकाङ्क्षमाणोऽहं तस्य
तथागतस्य कल्पं वा कल्पावशेषं
वा बोधिसत्त्वचारिकायां
विस्तरविभङ्गं निर्दिशेयम्।
क्षीयेत आनन्द अल्पम्,
न त्वेव शक्यं तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य पूर्वप्रणिधानविशेषविस्तरान्तमधिगन्तुम्
॥ durlabhaḥ ānanda manuṣyapratilābhaḥ, durlabhaṁ triratne śraddhāgauravam,
sudurlabhaṁ tathāgatasya nāmadheyaśravaṇam |tasya bhagavatastathāgatasya bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
ānanda bodhisattvacaryāma(ryā a) pramāṇam, upāyakauśalyamapyapramāṇam,
apramāṇaṁ cāsya praṇidhānaviśeṣavistaram | ākāṅkṣamāṇo'haṁ
tasya tathāgatasya kalpaṁ vā kalpāvaśeṣaṁ vā bodhisattvacārikāyāṁ
vistaravibhaṅgaṁ nirdiśeyam | kṣīyeta ānanda alpam, na tveva śakyaṁ tasya
bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya pūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistarāntamadhigantum
"Ananda, it is difficult to obtain
a human body. It is also difficult to have faith in and to revere the Triple Jewel. It is even more difficult
to be able to hear the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. Ananda, Medicine
Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata possesses boundless Bodhisattva practices, limitless skillful expedients,
and immeasurably vast, great vows. If I were to speak extensively of those for an eon or more, the eon would
soon end, but that Buddha's practices, vows, and skillful expedients have no end!"
तेन खलु पुनः
समयेन तस्यामेव पर्षदि
त्राणमुक्तो नाम बोधिसत्त्वो
महासत्त्वः संनिपतितोऽभूत्
संनिषण्णः। उत्थायासनादेकांसमुत्तरासङ्गं
कृत्वा दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलं
पृथिव्यां प्रतिष्ठाप्य
येन भगवांस्तेनाञ्जलिं
प्रणम्य भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-
भविष्यन्ति भदन्त भगवन्
सत्त्वाः पश्चिमे काले
पश्चिमे समये नानाव्याधिपरिपीडिता
दीर्घव्याधिना (क्षीणगात्राः)
क्षुत्तर्षाभ्यां शुष्ककण्ठोष्ठा
मरणाभिमुखा रोरुद्यमानेभिर्मित्रज्ञातिसालोहितैः
परिवारिता अन्धकारां
दिशं पश्यन्तो यमपुरुषैराकर्ष्यमाणाश्च
। तस्य कलेवरे मञ्चशयिते
विज्ञानं यमस्य धर्मराजस्याग्रतामुपनीयते
। यच्च तस्य सत्त्वस्य
सहजानुबद्धमेव यत्किंचित्
तेन पुरुषेण कुशलमकुशलं
वा कृतं भवति, तत् सर्वं
सुलिखितं कृत्वा यमस्य
धर्मराजस्य उपनाम्यते।
तदा यमोऽपि धर्मराजस्तं
पृच्छति, गणयति यथाकृतं
चास्य कुशलमकुशलं वा
तथाज्ञामाज्ञापयति। tena
khalu punaḥ samayena tasyāmeva parṣadi trāṇamukto nāma bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ
saṁnipatito'bhūt saṁniṣaṇṇaḥ | utthāyāsanādekāṁsamuttarāsaṅgaṁ
kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṁ jānumaṇḍalaṁ pṛthivyāṁ pratiṣṭhāpya
yena bhagavāṁstenāñjaliṁ praṇamya bhagavantametadavocat- bhaviṣyanti bhadanta bhagavan
sattvāḥ paścime kāle paścime samaye nānāvyādhiparipīḍitā dīrghavyādhinā
(kṣīṇagātrāḥ)kṣuttarṣābhyāṁ śuṣkakaṇṭhoṣṭhā
maraṇābhimukhā rorudyamānebhirmitrajñātisālohitaiḥ parivāritā andhakārāṁ
diśaṁ paśyanto yamapuruṣairākarṣyamāṇāśca | tasya kalevare mañcaśayite
vijñānaṁ yamasya dharmarājasyāgratāmupanīyate | yacca tasya sattvasya sahajānubaddhameva
yatkiṁcit tena puruṣeṇa kuśalamakuśalaṁ vā kṛtaṁ bhavati, tat sarvaṁ
sulikhitaṁ kṛtvā yamasya dharmarājasya upanāmyate | tadā yamo'pi dharmarājastaṁ
pṛcchati, gaṇayati yathākṛtaṁ cāsya kuśalamakuśalaṁ vā tathājñāmājñāpayati
At that time within the assembly, a Bodhisattva
Mahasattva named One who Rescues and liberates arose from his seat, bared his right shoulder, knelt with
his right knee on the ground, leaned forward with his palms joined together, and said to the Buddha, "Greatly virtuous
World Honored One! During the Dharma Image Age, there will be living beings afflicted with various diseases,
emaciated front chronic illnesses, unable to eat or drink, their throats parched and their lips dry. Such
a being sees darkness gathering all around him as the signs of death appear. While lying in bed, surrounded by his
weeping parents, relatives, and friends, he sees the messengers of Yama leading his spirit before that
king of justice. Every sentient being has spirits that stay with him throughout his life. They record his
every deed, both good and evil, to present to Yama, the king of justice. At that time, King Yama interrogates
this person in order to tally his karma and mete out judgement according to his good and evil deeds.
तत्र ये ते
तं भगवन्तं भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभं
तथागतं शरणं गच्छेयुः,
तस्य च तथागतस्य पूजां
कुर्युः, स्थानमेतद्विद्यते
यत् तस्य तद्विज्ञानं
पुनरपि प्रतिनिवर्तेत,
स्वप्नान्तरगत इवात्मानं
संजानीते। tatra ye te mitrajñātisālohitāstasyāturasyārthāya
taṁ bhagavantaṁ bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhaṁ tathāgataṁ śaraṇaṁ
gaccheyuḥ, tasya ca tathāgatasya pūjāṁ kuryuḥ, sthānametadvidyate yat tasya
tadvijñānaṁ punarapi pratinivarteta, svapnāntaragata ivātmānaṁ saṁjānīte
"At that time, if the sick person's relatives
and friends, on his behalf, can take refuge with the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light
Tathagata, and request members of the Sangha to recite this Sutra, to light seven layers of lamp, and to hang up
the five colored banners for prolonging life, then it is possible for his spirit to return. As if in a
dream, the person will see everything very clearly himself.
यदि वा सप्तमे
दिवसे यदि वा (एकविंशतिमे)
दिवसे यदि वा पञ्चत्रिंशतिमे
दिवसे यदि वा एकोनपञ्चाशतिमे
दिवसे तस्य विज्ञानं
पुनरपि निवर्तेत, स्मृतिमुपलभेत।
तस्य कुशलमकुशलं वा कर्मविपाकं
स्वयमेव प्रत्यक्षं
भवति। ज्ञात्वा स जीवितहेतौ
न कदापि पापमकुशलं कर्म
करिष्यति। तस्माच्छ्राद्धेन
कुलपुत्रेण वा कुलदुहिता
वा तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य पूजा कर्तव्या॥ yadi
vā saptame divase yadi vā (ekaviṁśatime) divase yadi vā pañcatriṁśatime divase
yadi vā ekonapañcāśatime divase tasya vijñānaṁ punarapi nivarteta, smṛtimupalabheta
| tasya kuśalamakuśalaṁ vā karmavipākaṁ svayameva pratyakṣaṁ bhavati
| jñātvā sa jīvitahetau na kadāpi pāpamakuśalaṁ karma kariṣyati | tasmācchrāddhena
kulaputreṇa vā kuladuhitā vā tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya
pūjā kartavyā ||
"If his spirit returns after seven,
twenty-one, thirty five, or forty-nine days, he will feel as if awakened from a dream and will remember
the retributions that he underwent for his good and bad karma. Having personally witnessed the retributions of his
own karma, he will never again do any evil, even if his very life is endangered. Therefore, good men and
women of pure faith should accept and uphold the name of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata and, according
to their capability, worship and make offerings to him."
नाम बोधिसत्त्वमेतदवोचत्-
कथं कुलपुत्र तस्य भगवतो
पूजा कर्तव्या ? athāyuṣmānānandastrāṇamuktaṁ
nāma bodhisattvametadavocat- kathaṁ kulaputra tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya
pūjā kartavyā ?
At that time, Ananda asked the Bodhisattva
who Rescues and liberates, Good man, how should we worship and make offerings to the World Honored One,
Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata? And how should we make the banners and lamps that prolong life?"
बोधिसत्त्व आह- ये भदन्त
आनन्द महतो व्याधितः
परिमोचितुकामाः, तैस्तस्यातुरस्यार्थाय
सप्त दिवसानि आर्याष्टाङ्गसमन्वागतमुपवासमुपवसितव्यम्
, भिक्षुसंघस्य च आहारपानैः
पूजोपस्थानं कर्तव्यम्।
trāṇamukto bodhisattva āha-ye bhadanta ānanda mahato vyādhitaḥ parimocitukāmāḥ,
taistasyāturasyārthāya sapta divasāni āryāṣṭāṅgasamanvāgatamupavāsamupavasitavyam,
bhikṣusaṁghasya ca āhārapānaiḥ sarvopakaraṇairyathāśakti pūjopasthānaṁ
kartavyam |
The Bodhisattva who Rescues and Liberates
said, "Greatly Virtuous One, if there is a sick person who wishes to be freed from sickness and suffering,
for his sake one should accept and uphold the eight precepts for seven days and seven nights, and make offerings
to the Bhikshu Sangha of as many items of food, drink, and other necessities as are in his power to give.
नामधेयं त्रिष्कृत्वा
रात्र्यां त्रिष्कृत्वा
दिवसे मनसि कर्तव्यम्।
इदं सूत्रमुच्चारयितव्यम्।
एकोनपञ्चाशद् दीपाः
प्रज्वालयितव्याः। सप्त
प्रतिमाः कर्तव्या।
एकैकया प्रतिमया सप्त
सप्त दीपाः प्रज्वालयितव्याः।
एकैको दीपः शकटचक्रप्रमाणः
कर्तव्यः। यदि एकोनचत्वारिंशतिमे
दिवसे आलोको न क्षीयते,
वेदितव्यं सर्वसंपदिति।
पञ्चरङ्गिकाः पताकाः
एकोनपञ्चाशदधिकाः कर्तव्याः॥ bhagavato
bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya nāmadheyaṁ triṣkṛtvā rātryāṁ triṣkṛtvā
divase manasi kartavyam | navacatvāriṁśadvāre idaṁ sūtramuccārayitavyam |
ekonapañcāśad dīpāḥ prajvālayitavyāḥ | sapta pratimāḥ kartavyā
| ekaikayā pratimayā sapta sapta dīpāḥ prajvālayitavyāḥ | ekaiko dīpaḥ
śakaṭacakrapramāṇaḥ kartavyaḥ | yadi ekonacatvāriṁśatime divase āloko
na kṣīyate, veditavyaṁ sarvasaṁpaditi | pañcaraṅgikāḥ patākāḥ
ekonapañcāśadadhikāḥ kartavyāḥ ||
"During the six periods of the day and night
one should worship, practice the Way, and make offerings to the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light
Tathagata. Read and recite this Sutra forty-nine times, light forty-nine lamps, and make seven images of that
Tathagata. In front of each image place seven lamps, each as large as a cartwheel. These lamps must be kept burning
continuously for forty-nine days. Hang up five- colored banners that are forty-nine spans long. Liberate a variety
of living creatures, as many as forty- nine species. Then the sick one will be able to surmount the danger and will
not suffer an untimely death or be held by evil ghosts.
भदन्त आनन्द येषां राज्ञां
क्षत्रियाणां मूर्धाभिषिक्तानामुपद्रवा
वा उपसर्गा वा प्रत्युपस्थिता
भवेयुः, व्याधिपीडा वा
स्वचक्रपीडा वा परचक्रपीडा
वा नक्षत्रपीडा वा चन्द्रग्रहसूर्यग्रहपीडा
वा अकालवातवृष्टिपीडा
वा अवग्रहपीडा वा समुत्थिता,
अमाङ्गल्या वा संक्रामकव्याधिर्वा
विपद् वा समुपस्थिता,
तेन राज्ञा क्षत्रियेण
मूर्धाभिषिक्तेन सर्वसत्त्वेषु
मैत्रचित्तेन भवितव्यम्,
बन्धनगताश्च सत्त्वा
मोचयितव्याः। तस्य च
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य यथापूर्वोक्तपूजा
करणीया। तदा तस्य राज्ञः
क्षत्रियस्य मूर्धाभिषिक्तस्य
एतेन कुशलमूलेन च तस्य
भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य पूर्वप्रणिधानविशेषविस्तरेण
तत्र विषये क्षेमं भविष्यति
सुभिक्षम्। कालेन वातवृष्टिशस्यसंपदो
भविष्यन्ति, सर्वे च
विषयनिवासिनः सत्त्वा
आरोगाः सुखिताः प्रमोद्यबहुलाः।
न च तत्र विषये दुष्टयक्षराक्षसभूतपिशाचाः
सत्त्वानां विहेठयन्ति।
च न पश्यन्ति। तस्य च
राज्ञः क्षत्रियस्य
मूर्धाभिषिक्तस्य आयुर्वर्णबलारोग्यैश्वर्याभिवृद्धिर्भविष्यति
। punaraparaṁ bhadanta ānanda yeṣāṁ rājñāṁ kṣatriyāṇāṁ
mūrdhābhiṣiktānāmupadravā vā upasargā vā pratyupasthitā bhaveyuḥ,
vyādhipīḍā vā svacakrapīḍā vā paracakrapīḍā vā nakṣatrapīḍā
vā candragrahasūryagrahapīḍā vā akālavātavṛṣṭipīḍā
vā avagrahapīḍā vā samutthitā, amāṅgalyā vā saṁkrāmakavyādhirvā
vipad vā samupasthitā, tena rājñā kṣatriyeṇamūrdhābhiṣiktena sarvasattveṣu
maitracittena bhavitavyam, bandhanagatāśca sattvā mocayitavyāḥ | tasya ca bhagavato
bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya yathāpūrvoktapūjā karaṇīyā
| tadā tasya rājñaḥ kṣatriyasya mūrdhābhiṣiktasya etena kuśalamūlena
ca tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya pūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistareṇa
tatra viṣaye kṣemaṁ bhaviṣyati subhikṣam | kālena vātavṛṣṭiśasyasaṁpado
bhaviṣyanti, sarve ca viṣayanivāsinaḥ sattvā ārogāḥ sukhitāḥ
pramodyabahulāḥ | na ca tatra viṣaye duṣṭayakṣarākṣasabhūtapiśācāḥ
sattvānāṁ viheṭhayanti | sarvadurnimittāni ca na paśyanti | tasya ca rājñaḥ
kṣatriyasya mūrdhābhiṣiktasya āyurvarṇabalārogyaiśvaryābhivṛddhirbhaviṣyati
"Furthermore, Ananda, in the case of
ksatriya princes who are due to be anointed on the crowns of their heads, at a time when calamity arises, such
as pestilence among the population, invasion by foreign countries, rebellion within their territories, unusual changes
in the stars, a solar or lunar eclipse, unseasonal winds and rains, or prolonged drought, those ksatriya princes
should bring forth an attitude of kindness and compassion toward all sentient beings and grant amnesty to all
prisoners. They should follow the above-mentioned methods to make offerings to that World Honored One, Medicine Master
Vaidurya Light Tathagata. Due to these good roots and the power of that Tathagata's past vows, the country will be safe
and peaceful, the winds and rains will be timely, the crops will ripen, and all sentient beings will be blissful
and free of disease. Within this country there will be no violence, nor any yaksas or other spirits that harms
sentient beings, and all evil omens will vanish. "The ksatriya princes who are due to be anointed on the crowns of
their heads will enjoy longer lives and good health, and they will be at ease and free from illness.
-----missing excerpt in sanskrit---- Ananda,
if the queens, the princes, the ministers or court counselors, the ladies of the palace, the provincial officials
or the common people suffer from diseases or other difficulties, they should also hang up five-colored
spiritual banners, light lamps and keep them burning, liberate living creatures, strew flowers of various colors,
and burn precious incense. Then those people will be cured of their diseases and relieved of their difficulties.
कुलपुत्र परिक्षीणायुः
पुनरेवाभिविवर्धते ? athāyuṣmānānandastrāṇamuktaṁ
bodhisattvamevamavocat-kathaṁ kulaputra parikṣīṇāyuḥ punarevābhivivardhate
Then Ananda asked the Bodhisattva who Rescues
and Liberates, "Good man, how can a life that has come to an end be prolonged?"
बोधिसत्त्व आह- ननु त्वया
भदन्त आनन्द तथागतस्यान्तिकाच्छ्रुतम्
-सन्ति अकालमरणानि। trāṇamukto
bodhisattva āha-nanu tvayā bhadanta ānanda tathāgatasyāntikācchrutam-santi akālamaraṇāni
| Ananda asked, "What are the nine kinds of untimely death?"
प्रतिक्षेपेण मन्त्रौषधिप्रयोगा
उपदिष्टाः। सन्ति सत्त्वा
व्याधिताः। न च गुरुको
व्याधिः भैषज्योपस्थापकविरहितः।
यदि वा वैद्या (भैषज्यं)
कुर्वन्ति। इदं प्रथाममकालमरणम्।
teṣāṁ pratikṣepeṇa mantrauṣadhiprayogā upadiṣṭāḥ |
santi sattvā vyādhitāḥ | na ca guruko vyādhiḥ bhaiṣajyopasthāpakavirahitaḥ
| yadi vā vaidyā (bhaiṣajyaṁ) kurvanti | idaṁ prathāmamakālamaraṇam |
The Bodhisattva who Rescues and liberates
said, "There may be living beings who, although not seriously ill have neither medicine nor a doctor to
treat them, or else they meet a doctor who gives them the wrong medicine; consequently, they meet with an untimely
----- not in sanskrit version ------Some of
them believe in worldly cults, whose deviant teachers frighten them with false prophecies. Unable to set their minds
at ease, they consult oracles to find out what calamities are in store for them. In order to propitiate
the spirits, they kill various creatures. They pray to wang liang ghosts for aid and protection. Although
they wish to prolong their lives, their efforts are to no avail. They deludedly hold to wrong beliefs and perverse
views. Thus they meet with an untimely death and fall into the hells, never to come out. ----This
is the first kind of untimely death.
यस्य राजदण्डेन कालक्रिया।
dvitīyamakālamaraṇaṁ yasya rājadaṇḍena kālakriyā |
"The second kind of untimely death is to be
executed at the hands of the law.
येऽतीव प्रमत्ताः प्रमादविहारिणः,
तेषां मनुष्या ओजोऽपहरन्ति।
tṛtīyamakālamaraṇaṁ ye'tīva pramattāḥ pramādavihāriṇaḥ,
teṣāṁ manuṣyā ojo'paharanti |
The third kind is to hunt for sport, to indulge
in drinking and lust, or to become excessively dissipated, and then to be waylaid by non- human beings that
rob one's essence and energy.
ये अग्निदाहेन कालं
कुर्वन्ति। caturthamakālamaraṇaṁ ye agnidāhena
kālaṁ kurvanti |
The fourth is to be burned to death
चाकालमरणं ये च उदकेन
म्रियन्ते। pañcamaṁ cākālamaraṇaṁ
ye ca udakena mriyante |
the fifth is to drown;
ये (सिंह) व्याघ्रव्यालचण्डमृगमध्यगता
वासं कल्पयन्ति म्रियन्ते
च। ṣaṣṭhakālamaraṇaṁ ye (siṁha) vyāghravyālacaṇḍamṛgamadhyagatā
vāsaṁ kalpayanti mriyante ca |
the sixth is to be devoured by wild beasts;
प्रपतन्ति। अष्टममकालमरणं
ये विषकाखोर्दवेतालानुप्रयोगेण
म्रियन्ते। नवममकालमरणं
ये क्षुत्तृषोपहता
आहारपानमलभमाना आर्ताः
कालं कुर्वन्ति। एतानि
तथागतेण निर्दिष्टानि।
अन्यानि च अप्रमेयाण्यकालमरणानि॥ saptamamakālamaraṇaṁ
ye giritaṭāt prapatanti | aṣṭamamakālamaraṇaṁ ye viṣakākhordavetālānuprayogeṇa
mriyante | navamamakālamaraṇaṁ ye kṣuttṛṣopahatā āhārapānamalabhamānā
ārtāḥ kālaṁ kurvanti |ca aprameyāṇyakālamaraṇāni || atha khalu tatra
parṣadi dvādaśa etāni saṁkṣepato'kālamaraṇāni tathāgateṇa
nirdiṣṭāni | the seventh is to fall from a steep cliff; the eighth is to be harmed by poison,
voodoo, evil mantras, or corpse-raising ghosts; the ninth is to die from hunger and thirst. These are the nine kinds
of untimely deaths generally spoken of by the Tathagata. There are also innumerable other kinds which
cannot all be spoken of here.
------missing in Sanskrit
"Moreover, Ananda, King Yama keeps track of
the karmic records of all the inhabitants of the world. If there are beings who are not filial to their
parents, who commit the Five Rebellious Acts, who revile the Triple Jewel, who destroy the laws of the country,
or who violate the precept of truthfulness, then Yama, the king of justice, examines and punishes them
according to the severity of their offenses. Therefore, I encourage people to light lamps and make banners, to liberate
beings and cultivate blessings so that they can overcome suffering and peril and forestall all disasters.-----
अथ खलु तत्र
पर्षदि द्वादश महायक्षसेनापतयः
संनिपतिता अभूवन् यदुत
किंभीरो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
वज्रश्च नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
मेखिलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
अन्तिलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
अनिलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
सण्ठिलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
इन्दलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
पायिलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
महालो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
चिदालो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
चौन्धुलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः,
विकलो नाम महायक्षसेनापतिः। anyāni
mahāyakṣasenāpatayaḥ saṁnipatitā abhūvan yaduta kiṁbhīro nāma
mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, vajraśca nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, mekhilo
nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, antilo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, anilo
nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, saṇṭhilo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ,
indalo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, pāyilo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ,
mahālo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, cidālo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ,
caundhulo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ, vikalo nāma mahāyakṣasenāpatiḥ
At that time, twelve great yaksa generals
were present in the assembly. They were: General Kumbhira, General Vajra, General Mihira, General Andira,
General Anila, General Sandira, General Indra, General Pajra, General Makura, General Kinnara, General Catura, and
General Vikarala.
एते द्वादश
महायक्षसेनापतयः एकैकानुचरपरिवारिता
एककण्ठेन भगवन्तमेवमाहुः-
श्रुतमस्माभिश्र भगवता
बुद्धानुभावेन तस्य भगवतो
तथागतस्य नामधेयम्। न
भूयोऽस्माकं दुर्गतिभयम्।
ते वयं सहिताः समग्रा
यावज्जीवं बुद्धं शरणं
गच्छामः , धर्मं शरणं
गच्छामः, संघं शरणं गच्छामः।
हिताय सुखाय औत्सुक्यं
करिष्यामः। यो विशेषेण
ग्रामे वा नगरे वा जनपदे
वा अरण्यायतेने वा एदं
सूत्रं प्रचारयिष्यति,
यो वा तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
नामधेयं धारयिष्यति,
पूजोपस्थानं करिष्यति,
तावत् तं सत्त्वं रक्षिष्यामः,
परिपालयिष्यमः, सर्वामाङ्गल्याच्च
परिमोचयिष्यामः, सर्वषामाशां
परिपूरयिष्यामः। ete dvādaśa
mahāyakṣasenāpatayaḥ ekaikānucaraparivāritā ekakaṇṭhena bhagavantamevamāhuḥ-śrutamasmābhiśra
bhagavatā buddhānubhāvena tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya
nāmadheyam | na bhūyo'smākaṁ durgatibhayam | te vayaṁ sahitāḥ samagrā yāvajjīvaṁ
buddhaṁ śaraṇaṁ gacchāmaḥ , dharmaṁ śaraṇaṁ gacchāmaḥ,
saṁghaṁ śaraṇaṁ gacchāmaḥ | sarvasattvānāmarthāya hitāya
sukhāya autsukyaṁ kariṣyāmaḥ | yo viśeṣeṇa grāme vā nagare vā
janapade vā araṇyāyatene vā edaṁ sūtraṁ pracārayiṣyati, yo vā
tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya nāmadheyaṁ dhārayiṣyati, pūjopasthānaṁ
kariṣyati, tāvat taṁ sattvaṁ rakṣiṣyāmaḥ, paripālayiṣyamaḥ,
sarvāmāṅgalyācca parimocayiṣyāmaḥ, sarvaeṣāmāśāṁ
paripūrayiṣyāmaḥ |
These twelve great yaksa generals, each with
a retinue of seven thousand yaksas, simultaneously raised their voices and addressed the Buddha, "World
Honored One! Today, by relying on the Buddha's awesome power, we are able to hear the name of the World Honored
One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. As a result, we are no longer afraid of the evil destinies.
All of us are of one mind to take refuge with the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha to the end of our lives. We
vow to support all living beings and to benefit them, so that they may live in peace and happiness. In
whatever cities, villages, countries, or secluded forests this Sutra circulates, or wherever people accept
and uphold the name of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata and venerate and make offerings to him, we,
together with our retinues, will guard and protect them, deliver them from all distress, and fulfill all
their wishes. If a person wishes to dispel illnesses and difficulties, he should read or recite this Sutra and tie
a five- colored thread into knots, forming the letters of our names. He should untie the knots when his wishes
have been fulfilled.
अथ खलु
भगवांस्तेषां यक्षसेनापतीनां
साधुकारमदात्-साधु साधु
महायक्षसेनापतयः, यद्
यूयं तस्य भगवतो भैषज्यगुरुवैदूर्यप्रभस्य
तथागतस्य कृतज्ञतामनुस्मरमाणानां
सर्वसत्त्वानां हिताय
प्रतिपन्नाः॥ atha khalu bhagavāṁsteṣāṁ
yakṣasenāpatīnāṁ sādhukāramadāt-sādhu sādhu mahāyakṣasenāpatayaḥ,
yad yūyaṁ tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya kṛtajñatāmanusmaramāṇānāṁ
sarvasattvānāṁ hitāya pratipannāḥ ||
At that time, the World Honored One praised
the great yaksa generals, saying, "Good indeed, good indeed, mighty yaksa generals! All of you who want
to repay the kindness of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, should always benefit
beings and bring peace and happiness to them in this way.
भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-को नामायं
भगवन् धर्मपर्यायः ? कथं
चैनं धारयामि? athāyuṣmānānando bhagavantametadavocat-ko
nāmāyaṁ bhagavan dharmaparyāyaḥ ?kathaṁ cainaṁ dhārayāmi ?
Then Ananda said to the Buddha, "World Honored
One, what should we call this teaching? How should we uphold it?"
हि आनन्द धर्मपर्यायमिदं
तथागतस्य पूर्वप्रणिधानविशेषविस्तरमिति
धारय, द्वादशानां महायक्षसेनापतीनां
प्रणिधानमिति धारय॥ bhagavānāha-tena
hi ānanda dharmaparyāyamidaṁ bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya pūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistaramiti
dhāraya, dvādaśānāṁ mahāyakṣasenāpatīnāṁ praṇidhānamiti
dhāraya ||
The Buddha told Ananda, "This teaching is
called, 'The Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata.' It is also called
'Twelve Spiritual Generals' Vows to Use Spiritual Mantras to Benefit Living Beings.'
------not in sanskrit version
It is also called 'Eradicating All Karmic
Obstacles.' You should uphold it in this way.------
आत्तमना मञ्जुश्रीः
कुमारभूतः, आयुष्मांश्च
आनन्दः, त्राणमुक्तो
बोधिसत्त्वः, ते च बोधिसत्त्वाः,
ते च महाश्रावकाः, ते
च राजामात्यब्राह्मणगृहपतयः
, सर्वावती पर्षत्, सदेवमानुषासुरगन्धर्वश्च
लोको भगवतो भाषितमभ्यनन्दन्॥ idamavocadbhagavāna
| āttamanā mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūtaḥ, āyuṣmāṁśca ānandaḥ,
trāṇamukto bodhisattvaḥ, te ca bodhisattvāḥ, te ca mahāśrāvakāḥ, te
ca rājāmātyabrāhmaṇagṛhapatayaḥ, sarvāvatī parṣat, sadevamānuṣāsuragandharvaśca
loko bhagavato bhāṣitamabhyanandan ||
When the Bhagavan had finished speaking, all
the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, great Hearers, kings, minister, Brahmans, laypeople, gods, dragons, yaksas, gandharvas,
asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, humans, and non-human beings, and all the great assembly, on hearing what
the Buddha had said, were greatly delighted. They received it with faith and respectfully practiced it.
नाम महायानसूत्रम्॥ End
of the Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata.
nāma mahāyānasūtram ||