The Warrior
In Buddha Dharma, Rama himself
is reborn as Siddhartha in Kaliyuga and becomes the Buddha. A partial story of Rama is given in the Dasratha Jataka (No.
461). His brother Laxman (Pali: Lakkhan ) is reborn as none other than Krishna who in Kaliyuga is reborn as Shariputra.

Buddha the supreme sage. The one who has attained unequalled
enlightenment or Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. He is known as the Supreme Man or the MahaPurusha.
The Strategist and
In Buddha Dharma, Krishna is reborn as Shariputra. In Buddhism, he is one of the most powerful warrior kings
who conquers the entire continent of Jambudvipa with his chakra (Ghata Jataka no. 454).In Buddhism, Krishna is reborn one
of the two chief disciples of Lord Buddha Shariputra and is considered the Dharma Senapati, or the General and strategist
of the Dharma